Monday, March 11, 2013

Letter from your cat

Dear Human,
Please don't get mad at me if I'm not one to cuddle;
but keep in mind that if something's wrong, I'll be there on the double.
Although I come off this way, I'm not trying to be mean.
Whilst you have a life expectancy of 80 years, I've only got 15.
So when you're upset with me over digging up that plant, spitting up a hairball or knocking something over, keep in mind that I'm just inspecting.
Promise not to be furious if sometimes I get curious.
I'm a cat, what do you expect?
You may not realize it, but you're always on my mind.
While you're out with your best friend, I'm waiting on the return of mine.
Although I'm independent, I still need love, attention and affection.
I may not always want to sit in your lap, as I would rather nap.
But I still enjoy your company and I hope you enjoy mine.
I know I can be pretty grumpy, but you're my favorite person to be around.
Although many think otherwise, I would never plot to kill you.
When I stare at you, I'm observing to make sure everything's okay.
I'm not formulating an evil plan against you and I never would.
Although my claws my say otherwise, my purr should make up for it.
Dog isn't the only "man's best friend," cat is too.

Your Cat


  1. Awe this is really cute! I liked how you took on something different with this post. I also liked where you talked about the cat waiting on its best friend to come back home, it reminded me of my dog. :)

  2. Dear Whitney,
    This is a really good post;
    and although you may not want to, you could boast.
    I never thought of writing in letter form;
    but it's done so well, it could become the norm.
    You make a good case, and I'm sorry to disagree;
    but every cat I've ever seen is trying to kill me.
    You see, I'm allergic to feline fur;
    my face puffs-up, and my eyes well as they purr.
    I'm glad your cats are peaceful, with no murderous rage;
    but I can only sleep peacefully with the cats in a cage.
    This was thoughtful, sweet and sincere;
    but the last line needs a quick edit and no none of this rhymes because I'm not near as good at this or expressing myself in a poem as you so good job with that and keep up the good work and again I'm glad you have such cool and loving cats and I agree that cats should share the "man's best friend" title with dogs and I never mentioned it before but I really like your background and... yeah... great post.

  3. I really liked your post, and I loved the format you put it in. I'm sure this is how many cat feel all over the world. I also enjoyed the photo at the end, it made me feel like I read the letter to look up and see the cat looking out the window.

  4. I absolutely love this post. I think it's awesome that you chose to switch things up and do a post like this, it adds variety. The photo at the end is great as well. Your post are always awesome and your photos are always great.

  5. This is absolutely precious! I already told you I am a total dog person,but the idea is really cool. Makes me wonder how this could be done using other pets.And the photo of the cat looking out the window is a nice touch, like as if he is thinking.

  6. Funny, clever, true and awesome - that's my description of this post. Honestly, who doesn't enjoy cats? If you're one of the cat haters in this pet-filled world, I encourage you to adopt one! Don't get me wrong: dogs are awesome (really awesome). But cats are, well, also awesome in their own way.

  7. I love the fact that you wrote from a cat's point of view! That's so clever and I commend you for turning it into a poem as well. I love cats and have one of my own who has just as big of a personality as I do. So I found your post very relatable from a cat's stand point. Something to consider though is the size of your font. I found it kind of hard to read because your background is black and white with all those lines as scales of the fish, it kind of was like an optical illusion when trying to read your post. Maybe it's just me, I'm a freak lol. But other than that, I loved it! Great job!

  8. Alright, I'm a HUGE fan of this post. First of all, I like the fact that it's written as if it came from your cat. I also like the change of format - instead of the usual letter format, it's in a poetry format. I like the humor as well! I feel like I'm getting to know your cats very well and each of their personalities. Keep 'em coming!

  9. I love it. It definitely reminds me of my babies and I try not to get too upset with them. I see this from my cat's point of view completely and also I can see how I would respond to it. You have a great way with words and I love it. Keep up the awesome work.
