Monday, April 1, 2013

The April Fool's joke I played on my cat

Charlie isn't like a stereotypical cat, he's unique in the sense that he actually likes water — actually, liking water would be an understatement. He loves the water. I can't step into the bathroom without him following me, meowing away and begging for me to turn the bathtub faucet on. When he gets his way, he plays in it and drinks the flowing water like it's going out of style.
When I shower, he puts his head inside the curtain and lets the water spray his head. Sometimes I'll cup the water in my hands and will pour it over his head, neck, paws or body and he happily takes it. 
He's persistant. When I don't comply with his orders of turning the faucet on, he gets annoyed and his meows get louder. 
The morning's are the worst. When I finally get out of bed, normally running late and don't have time for his demands, his meow will get raspy and he will truly sound desperate. (As if he's seriously parched!) Don't get me wrong — both of my cats are very well taken care of. They always have fresh water available to them and I rationalize their food (meaning that they're on a feeding schedule) Charlie's just spoiled. 
I can hardly wash the dishes without having to push him off the counter a few times, as he sees the kitchen faucet as an opportunity to play in the flowing water as well. 
He's relentless, but he's also polite. It's been a great opportunity to teach him tricks; he knows that I won't turn the faucet on unless he tells me what he wants and says please. 

I guess you're wondering what my April Fool's joke on him was, huh? This morning, he said please and thought he was going to get faucet time, but he didn't. April Fool's Charlie!
A very unamused Charlie.

But then I felt bad, so he got treats and got some time with the bathroom faucet after I got home from work.

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